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A love letter to the lab

Three years ago I was a freshman in college with no idea what my future held. I ended up stumbling into Digital Media where I found a passion I didn't know that I had. Over the past 3 years I have taken a number of different classes that have taught me so much about team work, video production, and other valuable life lessons.

In the past three years I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in the Digital Media Lab. In that lab, I have sat at the same computer and learned and grown in so many ways as I've stumbled through video project after video project.

As I watch through the first projects I made, I cringe. They're not very good. And the reality is, in just a year from now I will be watching the projects I am making now and cringe again.

Over the years, that digital media lab has become a place that has shaped me more than I ever could have imagined.

In that lab, I met some of the kindest, funniest, and brightest colleagues and friends that I will ever have. Some of the best laughs have happened in that lab. As a Digital Media student, you take most of your classes with the same people. I've come to get to know those 7 people really well. Projects tend to always come down to the wire which results in numerous late nights and all nighters in the lab. When you spend 10-12 hours for multiple days in a room together, you tend to learn about them and laugh with them. Those nights of frustration, exhaustion, and hard work live in my mind as fun nights because of the rolling chair races, staring contests, jokes, and other shenanigans.

These people are the people I trust most to review my projects and tell me their honest opinions and give the best critiques. They're the first to watch my videos and we've established a trust that we feel we can push back on each other and encourage the others to take risks and make each other better. We've joked about and talked about going into business together and it;s honestly something I would love to pursue in the future. Aside from the fact that we'd spend too much time chatting and laughing, they'd all be great business partners.

In that lab, I was taught patience, frustration, and endurance. Projects never go smoothly and they never go as planned. I've accidentally filmed in slow motion, deleted progress, had programs crash, and wanted to give up on so many projects. I've never been a real patient person and in the lab, I have definitely slammed my fists on the table countless time as the frustration bubbled over. But over time I've learned, little by little that these things are going to happen and it's important to roll with it because the anger and frustration won't change the outcome.

In that lab, I've found a love for school. School has never been something that I have liked. I hate sitting in a classroom. I hate doing assignments and taking tests. I never feel like it's a good use of my time. But in the lab, I find myself excited about school assignments. It's there that I've seen the value in learning and accomplishing the little things.

In that lab is where New Morning Media was born. I've never known what I want to do as a job. I could never see myself in any job until I stepped into that lab. In that lab, I felt an excitement for a future career. In that lab, the idea of New Morning Media was born and in that lab is where I grew the confidence to dream and work to achieve my goals.

I have one semester left with the lab. In a lot of ways, I am afraid to leave it. It's been home. A place of safety, a judgement free space, and comfortable place to be.

Where will my next lab be? Will I like it as much as I like this lab?

Whatever your Digital Media Lab is, don't forget to appreciate it. Enjoy it in its season and understand it for what it is. A place to grow, learn, and change but also remember that the lab has failed in it's purpose if you aren't willing to leave it.

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