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The Curse of Being a Dreamer

I'm a dreamer. I've always got a new idea cooking. I'm the type of person who is endlessly motivated by a self help podcast. I've started training for numerous 5ks,10ks, and marathons. I'm full of ideas and I am constantly thinking of a new business idea, video idea, or future life plan.

My fiance Jackson is not a dreamer. He is a realist through and through. I'm always telling him about my ideas and trying to convince him to get on board with my ideas. I often get frustrated because it sometimes feels like he doesn't like my ideas or doesn't believe in me and my dreams. Here's the thing though, I need a dose of realism now and then. I can't accomplish all the things that I dream up.

I've run one single 5k in my life. But I've begun training for one roughly 15+ times. I dream and I am incredibly motivated to start but I often get distracted with a new dream or get discouraged by not seeing the dream fulfilled right away.

Jackson is quick to listen to my dreams and he often chuckles as I excitedly tell him what new company I thought of and what ideas I have cooked up. But he's also quick to be honest with me and tell me the numerous ways in which I have not thought through the idea entirely.

With what money? With what time? Do people actually want that?

It's discouraging but he brings up valid points and important ideas that I need to consider and think about. That's the thing with dreamers. We often idealize and have grand plans without considering the possible road blocks and asking the hard questions.

I have big dreams for New Morning Media. But this time, I think it's a dream that is really going somewhere. This dream feels more real. I've put serious time and energy into developing and creating my plans. I'm excited about this dream, and it's a dream that I haven't given up on and it's one that I won't be giving up on.

But it isn't possible without the realist in my life. I've had to take my head out of the clouds and put my feet on the ground. That doesn't mean that I can't get to the clouds, but I have to build my way up to them and take realistic steps one at a time before reaching the big dreams. He believes in this dream and he's pushing me to achieve this and not give up on this dream.

Dreamers, find yourself a realist who asks the right questions, brings you down to earth, but also believes in you whole heartedly.

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